Re: RARA-AVIS: It's a Shame About Ray

Date: 27 Feb 2001

>Are the bookstores there filled mostly
>with Australian and British editions?
Australia, New Zealand, and other Commonwealth countries (like La Belle Province, K) are normally covered for book marketing purposes by English publishers; theoretically, if there is a UK edition even theoretically available, then US editions are not allowed to be sold there -- though this is a practice that's breaking down, however illegally, and specialist book stores especially will often have stocks of US editions especially if UK ones are out of print.

>Murder One in London is the main place to pick up the exotic American
or Crime in Store in Covent Garden, London.

If this isn't clear, it's because I'm suffering from a classic hard-boiled noirish head cold in a US edition. Right at this moment, I'm wishing there were a law to prevent dentists from San Diego with heavy head colds from sitting next to me in airplanes.

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