This author, whom I had never heard of, came up a few days
ago. I just read the first of his Kurt Wallander novels to
appear in English, "Faceless Killers." It is a compelling
police procedural that, if you didn't call it hard-boiled or
noir, you would call bleak. It did remind me of the Beck
books, but probably in part because I am unfairly lumping all
of Sweden together. Like the Beck books, it does deal with
social issues confronting Sweden (in this case,
refugees/immigration). It also vaguely reminded me of the
film "Insomnia," again probably a sloppy bit of thinking that
puts all of Scandinavia together (next I'll say it reminded
me of the music of Sibelius).
In both works, the hero/detectives have their own
failings/prejudices, which make them all the more interesting
to watch. Doug
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