RARA-AVIS: JDM's A Bullet for Cinderella

From: William Denton ( buff@pobox.com)
Date: 21 Jan 2002

I read this last week, when I couldn't find any of Mr. Ramos's recomennded books at the bookstore or my local library. It's an early (1955) John D. MacDonald novel, and slightly unusual for not having an ultra-competent guy as hero. The lead is a veteran of the Korean War who spent some hard time in a rough POW camp, where a friend died but first told him about
$60,000 he'd embezzled. (That's $400,000 today, I looked it up. ("This is genuine coin of the realm. With a dollar of this you can buy ten dollars of talk.")) He heads to the friend's home town and gets beat up right away. He does some detecting, runs into the cops, gets in trouble, meets a beautiful good girl and a beautiful bad girl, and you can guess who he ends up with. It's a solid example of JDM's craftsmanship and paperback originals of the time.


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.

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