RE: RARA-AVIS: Atypical Lansdale: Crider

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 02 May 2002

That may be too bad.

I probably repeat myself (something Lansdale may be hoping to avoid), but it's kinda amusing to see Lansdale and Douglas Winter (RUN, and other fine fiction) sign to Knopf (and be treated as "serious" by some just by changing publishers) and see Joyce Carol Oates now be much published by Carroll & Graf (a good, but not wealthy and certainly not seen as "prestigious" publisher)(of course, all the porn they were publishing a few years back may not've helped that, but they've done fine reprints and copublishing with the UK's Robinson).

miker--you need more Lansdale in your diet. TM

-----Original Message----- From: abc [mailto:]

The Bottoms might be atypical Lansdale for now, but his next book is set in the 1950s, and I believe the novel to come after that will again be set in the '30s. Hap and Leonard might be out of business.

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