> Wow, that sounds interesting. Can you tell us more
about the Reeves
> biography you're writing or when it's coming out? I
know next to nothing
> about Reeves, but from what little I've heard, it
sounds like he had a lot
> of noir elements in his life.
> Brad
The Reeves book has been an ongoing project for many years,
punctuating the occasional open spaces of my acting career.
Can't say when it will be out
(although I did say, inaccurately, many times years ago.) The
fact that Reeves's death seems suspicious to many people has
suggested the noirishness you mention, but the truth is not
so noir. And not hard-boiled at all. Ultimately, he was a
really nice guy who, one night, depressed and very drunk,
shot himself. But that was a little too sad and mundane for
fans and family, so a lot of conspiracy theories have cropped
up. But the facts don't support them.
Jim Beaver
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