Re: RARA-AVIS: Hammett Movies

From: Brian Thornton (
Date: 19 May 2002

At 05:34 PM 5/15/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Brian: I'm in the midst of watching a lot of the old Hammett movies here in
>Los Angeles. I've seen most of them on cable tv over the years, but here in
>Los Angeles the Egyptian Theater and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
>(LACMA) are both showing Hammett on the big screen. I saw MALTESE FALCON
>last Sunday night (it's playing again at LACMA this Sunday) and on Friday
>night I'm going to a THIN MAN double feature. Your recommendation about THE
>GLASS KEY may seal me into a dark theater for the entire weekend. Mark

Hi Mark,

I hate to think that you might have stifled yourself in that theatre all weekend solely on my recommendation! Alan Ladd is ok (he's Alan Ladd, playing the same character he always did, himself) and Veronica Lake is typically a match for his wooden acting, but Brian Donlevy really shined when finally given the opportunity to play a "heavy" who wasn't just another villain.

What did you think? Did you catch it?


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