Re: RARA-AVIS: Peedie's Polemic

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 28 May 2002

As I stated in my original post, I can't take credit (or be blamed) for the crime/anti-crime classification. That honour rests with Russell James, who is sadly no longer a member of rara-avis (unless he has been lurking for the past few years).

Here's the first question and answer from an interview he did with HandHeldCrime:

"HHC: You've described your novels as "crime" rather than more traditional
"anti-crime" fiction insofar as they come from the perspective of the criminal rather than law enforcement, and many of your characters are fairly sympathetic in spite of being murderers or thieves or career criminals of whatever kind. How difficult is it to write these characters?

RJ: It's a damn sight easier than creating interesting cops! In real life, PIs are pretty buttoned up characters - they're authoritarian, they tend towards right wing politics, and their mission in life is to follow a trail doggedly from start to end. Good stuff, very professional - but hardly the gold from which dreams are spun. By the way, I don't write strictly from a criminal viewpoint - I write about criminals and victims."

The rest of the interview is at

Al Guthrie

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